What Is Ashford Window Repair And Why Are We Speakin' About It?

What Is Ashford Window Repair And Why Are We Speakin' About It?

Why It's Better to Repair Your Windows Instead of Replacing Them

UPVC Aluminium, wood and double-glazed conservatories, doors, and windows repaired in Ashford Kent, the surrounding areas. Repairing a damaged window instead of replacing it could save you money as well as avoiding unnecessary damage to historic fabric.

Conducting a window inspection and creating windows schedules can help prioritize repairs. Caulking and weatherstripping are also effective in cutting down on energy loss.


The frames of UPVC windows and doors are an important aesthetic element of your office or home. If they are damaged or worn-out they will affect the overall appearance of your property and can make it appear run down. Regular repair and maintenance will ensure that your UPVC windows and doors remain functional and beautiful.

Window and door frames are constructed from a range of materials including wood, aluminium and uPVC. While they are designed to be resistant to the weather, with time, they can deteriorate because of the effects of time and environmental factors. It is essential to repair them as soon as you notice any signs of degradation. This will protect your investment and increase their life span.

It is also recommended to repaint your UPVC windows and doors to keep them looking fresh. This is an easy and cost-effective way to improve the appearance of your home. It will also protect your UPVC window from the effects of moisture and temperature fluctuation.

We specialise in UPVC spray painting to achieve the factory finish as well as an extensive range of RAL colours from subtle pastels to vibrant shades. We can also provide Flame Control fire resistant paints to ensure your premises comply with the fire regulations. Our roller shutters and cladding spraying services are ideal for commercial properties that want to create a memorable first impression and attract more customers. We can transform old tired cladding and shutters into a new, modern design, allowing your company to stand out from the rest.


The type of glass that is used in windows can have an enormous impact on the way windows function. It is important to choose a glazier who has experience with different types glass. This will ensure that your windows are in good condition and can withstand the elements. This will lower the chance of damage and extend the life span of your windows.

Typically an experienced glazier will repair or replace the broken parts of your windows and doors such as handles, hinges, latches and locks. They can also re-glaze window panes in order to remove condensation and restore their original appearance. They can work with various types of glass, including laminated and safety glass, Georgian or stained glass effects including lead and toughened glasses.

You can also upgrade or repair your windows to include low energy u-v light filtering glazing. This will lower your heating expenses and eliminate cold drafts. This is especially beneficial for older homes, as windows may have diminished in efficiency in the course of time. These services can be performed on UPVC, aluminium and wood double-glazed windows, conservatories as well as patio doors and porches.


You could lose money due to having air leaks, particularly in the winter. These leaks can be slowed or eliminated with weather stripping around doors and windows, but it's important to select the correct material. If your weatherstripping is worn out or damaged, it won't be as effective and you could end up spending more than you planned to.

Moisture testing is a great way to determine if you require replacing your weatherstripping. On a wet, cold day, you can run your hand along the edge of your door or window. If your hand is cold, that means outside air is moving in around the edge of your window or door (although other factors could be at play).

If you want to do it yourself There are several options for installing weatherstripping include self-stick plastic (vinyl) or spring bronze strips shaped to bridge a gap tubular vinyl gaskets; and foam tape. The latter is available in various sizes and thicknesses, which makes it suitable for gaps with irregular sizes.

The best option is based on your needs and your window's material: a wooden-framed window could benefit from nail-on weatherstripping that is made of spring bronze or high-performance polyethylene, whereas an steel or aluminum-framed windows might be better suited to tubular vinyl gaskets. You can find these kinds at home improvement stores or hardware stores, and a majority of them are easy to install.

If you have windows made of wood the glazing putty that is on their frames may require repairing This is a task for a skilled DIYer or a professional. If the putty is cracked or crumbled clean the area thoroughly and sand it. Then, apply a new layer of putty that contains Linseed.

Another alternative is to apply rope caulk ($7 at The Home Depot). Make use of a utility blade or your finger to unroll and smooth the caulk. Avoid using any tool that can smear it.  window replacement ashford  can't open the windows once the caulk is dry, so you must remove it in spring.


The lock itself is the part of engineering with a compact design that converts the rotary (turning) motion of the key into reciprocal (back-and-forth) motion that locks or opens something. It's a simple cylinder lock with a pin stack within the lock body. A spring is pushed down the pins when you insert keys and a cam rotates the plug as you turn the key. Some locks use extra pins to accept master keys.

Start by checking the lock to determine whether there are any preventative measures, such as a hardened faceplate on the pin or springs that make it difficult for you to drill through the cylinder. If you don't discover any countermeasures start by drilling a small hole in the plug. The drill bit should be aimed at the centre of the key slot and maintain the pressure to avoid damaging any components of the mechanism.

For euro cylinders, it's essential to find the direction that the plug is supposed to rotate. This can be done using the use of a tension tool. The smaller end of the wrench should be inserted into the keyhole slit and the bigger end is positioned against the body of the cylinder. Inserting the wrench this way, for example, will let you know which pins are most difficult to lift up.